Benefits Of Fruit For Beauty Skin And Face

Benefits Of Fruit For Beauty Skin And Face

Benefits Of Fruit For Beauty Skin And Face - Benefits Of Fruit For Beauty have benefits for beauty as it moisturizes the skin, whiten skin, skin tightening, acne mnghilangkan and many more benefits-other benefits of thisfruit.

Fruits not only can we make for daily consumption, but also we can make for the coronation and beauty treatments. For those who regularly consume fruits every day can be beneficial for improving the health of the heart, such as cancer, diabetes, cholesterolhigh blood pressure and many more other benefits. In addition, the fruits can be useful for beauty as it moisturizes the skin, whiten skin, tightens the skin, remove acne and many more benefits-other benefits of this fruit.

Benefits Of Fruit For Beauty Skin

Useful Fruit For Beauty

The following are some of the fruits that can be beneficial to skin and facial beauty, among which are:

  • Lemon
Lemon is one of the fruits that can be useful to address the problem of beauty as it moisturizes the skin, whiten skin, remove acne and others. How do beauty treatments with lemon:

First we squeeze lemon water and grab perasannya, then mix in 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 egg white grains and then whisk until evenly mixed. Nextapply across the face and neck evenly, then allow to dry for about 15 minutes. Then clean with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel. Do these beauty treatments on a regular basis every day, the result will be seen after 1 week.

  • Tomato fruit
Tomatoes are also a type of fruit that is very useful and powerful tool in addressing the problems of beauty, because tomatoes have lots of content ofnutrients needed such skin vitamins, protein, phosphorus, iron, blerang, vitamins A, B1 and c. the content capable of making the skin more smooth, clean and shining. Read also the benefits of tomatoes for beauty

The way is:

First of all prepare the tomatoes have been cooked, then iris-iris round then rubbing across the skin of the face. After that let to dry, then clean with cold water. Do these treatments on a regular basis because this treatment can also be helpful to get rid of acne fast.

  • Strawberry fruit
Strawberry fruit is one of the most abundant in fruits like strawberries, because having a refreshing sour taste sweet. In addition, many strawberry fruit combined with drink, drug, food and children's multivitamins. Strawberries contain nutrients that are very much at all in it and very powerful if used as ingredients for beauty care.

The way is;

Prepare strawberries to taste, and puree in a way in blender until smooth,add 1 egg white grains, 1 spoon of the rose water and 1 spoon of the essential oils. Then apply throughout all the face skin then let sit for about 20minutes. Afterwards, wipe the face with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel. Do this treatment regularly every day and see the results within 1 week after treatment.

  • Banana fruit
Banana is one of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C as a myriad of other nutritional sangt beneficial to skin especially skin face. Bananas can be beneficial in addressing a wide range of skin problems such as acne, facial moisturizing, whitening, smoothing and many more benefits-other benefits.

The way is:

Banana fruit puree then use for face masks, let sit for 15 minutes until the mask is dry. Then clean with warm water and then pat dry with a softtowel. Do this every night care routinely and regularly.

Thus the benefits of fruits for beauty skin and face, hopefully this information can be useful and good luck.

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