Signs Symptoms Of A Stroke

Signs Symptoms Of A Stroke

A stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted due to a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel, so the death of cells in some areas in the brain. A stroke is a serious medical condition that requires a quick handling.

When the supply of blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to the brain is interrupted, then the brain will cells begin to die. Therefore the faster the sufferer is handled, damage that occurs any time the smaller even death could have been avoided. If you feel the attack stroke or seeing others stricken with strokes, immediately contact the hospital to ask for an ambulance.

Signs Symptoms Of A Stroke

Symptoms of a stroke

Remember the following stroke symptoms in order to perform the appropriate action.
  • How to talk the sufferer is not obvious or even chaotic, there is also a sufferer who could not talk at all though they look conscious
  • Eyes and mouth on one side of the face of the sufferer looks down
  • Arm the sufferer experiencing paralysis when the stroke, therefore they are not able to lift one or even both of his arms
Immediately contact your local hospital if you see the symptoms above.

Background the occurrence of stroke
The brain can function properly if the supply of oxygen and nutrients provided blood to flow properly. If the blood supply is hampered, then the brain will be damaged, even someone who can stroke died.

Stroke according to its kind
This type of stroke of the cause is divided into two ischemic stroke and stroke hemoragik. Ischemic stroke occurs when the blood supply is stoppeddue to blood clots and stroke hemoragik occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.
There is also called a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or stroke lightly. TIAoccurs when the blood supply to the brain is experiencing momentary disorder that usually begins with symptoms of dizziness, double vision, bodysuddenly felt limp, and tough talk.

Though only for a moment, still need to be addressed seriously. As this is usually a warning of an attack of stroke weight.

Diagnosis of stroke
Stroke is generally diagnosed through physical signs, as well as through brain imaging or photo. Brain imaging point to determine whether the strokes caused by blocked arteries or blood vessels that burst, the existence of a risk of ischemic stroke attack, which parts of the brain are stricken, andhow severe the stroke.

Method of treatment of stroke
Treatment depends on the type of stroke, ischemic stroke or hemoragik.The treatment also adapted on an area of the brain where the stroke occurs. In most cases of stroke treated with drugs, including preventative medicine to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and blood clotting. In some cases, surgery is required to repair the damage caused by the stroke of hemoragik or eliminate fat in the arteries.

The impact of stroke on the lives of its victims
A stroke can have an impact on Your life and well-being in various aspects. Rehabilitasinya process-specific and depends on the symptoms you are experiencing and how severe the symptoms are. A number of experts and specialists can help. Among them are, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nurses and physicians, as well as physiotherapy.

The ravages of stroke can be widespread and lasting longer. Before recovering as readily kala, sufferers have to do rehabilitation in the long period.But most of them will never recover fully.

Stroke prevention
Strokes can be prevented through the application of a pattern of healthy living. The risk of experiencing a stroke will be reduced if you eat healthy foods, exercising regularly, not smoking, drinking alcohol and appropriatemeasure. Trying to lower the level of cholesterol and high blood pressurewith drugs could also reduce the risk of stroke. In some people, the drugsto prevent blood clots as well as drugs to maintain normal blood sugar levels is also important to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

Complications of stroke
A stroke can cause a variety of complications, and some of which may endanger the life of the sufferer. An example of the complications such as Hydrocephalus or high production of cerebrospinal fluid, dysphagia or difficulty swallowing, and venous thrombosis or clotting of blood in the legs.

Symptoms Of A Stroke

Please contact the hospital to ask for an ambulance if you experience the symptoms of stroke or see other people affected by stroke. After the initial examination, you may need to be checked more thoroughly and dealt with a specialist at the hospital.

Don't ever consider lightly stroke symptoms, though the symptoms disappear. The symptoms could indicate a missing TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or stroke lightly and you are at risk of experiencing a stroke weight in the next phase.

Symptoms and signs of a stroke you should know
Each part of the body controlled by different parts of the brain so that the stroke symptoms will depend on the part of the brain that suffered and also the level of damage. Symptoms or signs of a stroke vary for each person, but generally appear unexpectedly.
You can remember the following things to be able to recognize the symptoms of stroke and action aid appropriately.

  • How to talk to a sufferer is not obvious or even chaotic, there is also a sufferer who could not talk at all, even though they look awake.
  • Eyes and mouth on one side of the face of the sufferer looks down.
  • Arm the sufferer experiencing paralysis when the stroke, therefore they are not able to lift one or even both of his arms.
Immediately contact your local hospital if you see the symptoms above.
Aware of the symptoms or signs of the above is the important thing, especially for those who live with people who are at high risk of stroke-affected, such as the elderly, people with diabetes, or high blood pressure sufferers. In addition, symptoms or signs of a stroke include:
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Problem on balance and coordination.
  • Communication problems, such as the tough talk and understand the speech of another person. Disability can happen to speak in total.
  • Dizziness and fainting.
  • Lost suddenly vision or vision becomes double.
  • Terrific headache which comes unexpectedly, accompanied by a stiffneck. Rotating headaches can occur (vertigo).
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Paralysis on one side of the body.
  • Numbness on one side of the body.
  • Decreased consciousness
Don't ever consider lightly stroke symptoms often disappear though because it could simply indicate TIA. Most of the patients condition TIA, save the risk for stroke.
If experiencing a TIA, immediately check with your doctor or local hospital. Symptoms of TIA are the same as a stroke and takes a few minutes to a few hours, then disappeared. Don't ignore these conditions because TIA could be a warning that supply blood to your brain is problematic.

Most of the causes of stroke can be prevented by means of changing Your life patterns into the pattern of healthy living. Even so, there is some risk of stroke that can not be changed, and the matter will be explained below.

  • If you've ever experienced a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or a mild heart attack and stroke, your risk of stroke is higher.
  • Your risk of stroke is high if you have close family members who have experienced a stroke.
  • You are at risk of stroke if you age over 65 years old, although a quarter of stroke cases occur at a younger age.
  • Suffering from diabetes, blood pressure tinggiatau has a high cholesterol.
Ischemic stroke
Ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is stalled due to the formation of blood clots. The blood easily clot in blood vessels where there is heap damage has occured or cholesterol on the walls. These are the things that impacted badly on the blood vessel so that it can trigger the onset of ischemic stoke:
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure.
  • High cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes. High blood sugar levels be bad on the health of the blood vessel walls.
An irregular heartbeat or atrial fibrillation is also one of the causes of ischemic stroke. With an irregular heartbeat, blood flow is impaired atrial fribrilasi sufferers. It also makes easy blood clot causing ischemic stroke.

The artery can also narrows as you get older, and the process of narrowing of the arteries can grow quickly if you:
  • Are obese.
  • Consuming excessive alcohol.
  • Smoking.
  • Have high cholesterol levels.
  • Have a family history of diseased heart or diabetes.
At a younger age, the risk of ischemic stroke can be increased due to the use of contraceptive drugs, migraine, koagulopati (impaired blood clotting), and a head injury that recently occurred.

Stroke hemoragik
Hemoragik stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and causes bleeding. About five percent of the bleeding occurs at the surface of the brain known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage. High blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke hemoragik. High blood pressure can weaken the artery in the brain so vulnerable to rupture.
There are several things that can trigger a rise in blood pressure, such as smoking, lack of exercise, stressexcessive alcohol consumption, and overweight or obesity. Never experienced a TIA or stroke can also increase the risk of stroke hemoragik. People with diabetes, arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), and heart valve disease, also had a greater risk of experiencing a stroke hemoragik.

Hemoragik stroke can also occur due to rupture of blood vessels that bubbled or swelling called aneurysms.

Trauma or injury to the head can also cause stroke hemoragik. However, there are some cases where bleeding occurs in the brain membranes without any signs of trauma. It usually occurs in the elderly and symptoms similar to a stroke. Bleeding that occurs in the brain membrane known as a subdural hematoma.

People who consume drugs preventive blood clotting or anticoagulants also should be careful. One of the risks from the use of this drug is the stroke hemoragik. Anticoagulant drugs make the blood becomes more difficult to clot. This means, if there is bleeding, the bleeding it will be hard to stop.

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